Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some Days

Today started off really up to get ready for work & had some 'digestive issues', to put it delicately, LOL so decided to just chill for awhile & wait for things to settle down. So later, after my shower & with my head in a towel, someone knocks on the door. Thinking it is my mother-in-law or father-in-law coming to see why I am home (they do that, by the way), I discover the Animal Control Officer, whom I also know from church. I'm a little surprised to see him, LOL. He is there to let me know that the city has decided that it is time for the raccoon family to move out to the country and he has a humane trap to set up. Then later, I fought with the garage door and was defeated - I had to get out of the van & shut the door from the wall switch, then go out through the front door to get back in the van. Let's just say that if I had wet polish on my nails it would have smudged, if I was wearing pantyhose they would have got snags & get the idea, hehehe...
On the way to work I got behind every slow farmer in the county, and at one point there were about 8 of us behind one guy. And we can't blame Wally for the hold up any more - he died several months ago!
He was an old practical joker here in town and he loved to drive about 12 miles per hour, right around 10 'til 8 am, Noon & 5're seeing the pattern aren't ya?? LOL, he loved nothing better than to slow someone down to a crawl & get a good string of cars behind him, straight through town on all the major streets. If you saw Wally coming, you got creative & tried to take side streets & alleys to get around in front of him. I worked at a photography studio next door to his appliance store a few years back & he used to play doorbell ditch on me. He would look through the windows to see where you were & then open the door just enough to set off the doorbell then run. A couple of times I was just around the corner out of his line of sight (he thought I was either upstairs or way in the back, hehehe). You've never seen anything as funny as an 80 year old man running down the sidewalk trying not to get caught LMBO!! Oh we got even...he liked to take walks downtown and we would wait for him to get close to where we were parked & we'd set off our panic buttons with our car remotes. Then he would get us back with styrofoam cups on the antenna or on the back bumper or on the trailer hitch...every summer when the grasshoppers get thick he would sweep his over in front of our door hehehe...I miss Wally :)

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