Friday, November 20, 2009

Real Life

Like a lot of people, I like to escape from real life to movies, books, games, digital art, internet... Nothing wrong with it - it's a need!  And the caveat to that is: everything in moderation, LOL.  Not good to wake up someday and find that you haven't showered in a month and your bills are all late, the cat has eaten the dog while it was sleeping, and your fish are all floaters, hee hee.

There has been a lot that I would like to escape from these last couple of weeks, but unfortunately I haven't had time.  Real life has reared it's ugly head to an alarming degree.  This past weekend my stepdaughter's husband cleaned out their house and took their twin boys (not 2 yet) and their daughter (not quite 3) with the aid of his parents while she was busy arranging a birthday party for her 5 year old.  He told her (LIE) he would have his mom take care of the little ones since she was busy with the party and he'd have her bring them to the party since he had to work...nice.

So, why did he do it?  He was following up on a threat.  The week before, while at his parents house, his best buddy was wrestling with the 5 & 7 yr old boys and accidentally got 'nutted' by the 5 yr old.  It's a risk when wrestling with little kids, obviously, but he got mad.  He picked up the boy by the neck, threw him down and then shoved him across the floor and stepdad did nothing.  In fact he thought it was funny - until Mandy told him she was filing a report against the guy.  Then he threatened to take the kids (just the three that are his) if she did.

So, now she's fighting to get her kids back.  Something I've never understood: a good parent takes kids away from a bad parent (abusive,drunk/drugs,etc.) to protect them and the good parent gets in trouble.  A bad parent takes children away from a good parent for spite or some other reason and nothing happens to them.  Ok, so this may not be true most of the time - I don't know the statistics on that - but I think everyone would admit that change is needed.  I know that a large number of child abductions are carried out by a family member, and the current process is get a lawyer and file for temporary custody.  Yeah, and while you do that, your child is gone, getting farther away, & you don't know where they are.  If you come home one day to find your house empty, your spouse gone, your kids don't come home from school, and your spouse is not answering their cell phone, you should be able to file a police report immediately for parental abduction, shouldn't you?  I don't know about anywhere else, but around here it's not like that - you have to be awarded temporary custody first, only then will they listen to anything else - "he/she is a parent too, they haven't broken any law" is the customary response...These are my personal thoughts and observations - if  I am wrong, I am sure I will hear about it.  People are notoriously quiet unless there are mistakes to be pointed out...

On a more positive note; after saving & working for enough money, Tucker has gotten his Bearded Dragon!  She is so cute!  He has named her Skittles, and she is 2 months old. We didn't get any sleep at all that first night because he was up watching her and worrying over her..."Mom, her eyes are closed." Me: "She's sleeping." Him: "Are you sure?" and then I went in & checked her: "See? She's just sleeping."  A little while later..."Mom? She's still in the same spot & it doesn't look like she's breathing." ... and on it went.  Just in case anyone out there is interested, when they are asleep, you don't really see their sides move much - not like when they are awake. I will have pictures up soon  :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


...and so I changed the layout for November - the theme being Thankfulness this month in preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  I'm presently working on a little freebie thing to post over on my designs blog to do Thanksgiving tags with or to do a scrap page with a couple of papers a frame & some doodads to dress it up with - and some wordart :)

Jason Aldean performed in our dusty little town Saturday night. It was held at the fairgrounds, which are about 2 block from our house, so it was a little noisy, hee hee.  Bobby worked backstage security, so he had lot's of fun stories about the drunks trying to get backstage, lol.

This weather has been so weird!  Cold, then warm then cold again...
My tree in the front yard the day before Halloween:

and here it is the next day, Halloween:

practically all the leaves gone in a day, lol.

And the last few days it's been in  the 70's, so oddly enough I have wildflowers blooming in my front yard also, lol:

and since I'm posting pictures, lol, here are some of my boys at Halloween:

Sully was a pirate - Dread Pirate Sullivan, lol, and Tucker was a Wild Hog; Woody is who he says he was, but I thought he looked more like Doug, lmbo!
Ok, well, I'm watching The Italian Job (2003) so I'm gonna get back to it :)  Awesome movie!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Disturbing Behavior

No, I'm not talking about that relatively unknown song by the late Robert Palmer (sad, that).  
I got a call from the school nurse today at work - very sweet lady - who immediately let me know that everything was ok, but that Sully, my five year old, had been choked and pushed over a table by another kindergartener.  They examined him and he wasn't upset or crying, and other than some small red marks, he was unharmed.  Then the principal called me and we talked about this other kid, who, from time to time, according to Sully, has picked on him in various ways.  But things are escalating, and I want to know how they plan to protect my child from this child.  There's something profoundly disturbing about a five year old trying to choke another five year old!  Of course the principal couldn't give me much information about this other kid, but I already knew who it was.  They will continue to monitor things, pull him out of the class when necessary & keep a close eye on him - basically do what they can to keep the kids safe.  Sully seems to be mostly unbothered by it - he lets most things roll off his back.  I just don't want him to think this kind of thing is normal, and I don't want him to just let it happen, ya know?  He sure doesn't let his older brother get by with anything, but that's his brother - it's different in his mind.  I still can't get over a kindergartener trying to throttle a classmate.  Wow...