Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Moon

OMGosh! the moon is gorgeous tonight! It's big and orangey-yellow with!a halo around it from the humidity, I suppose. I wish I had the right kind of camera and lens to get a good picture of it. I just took the dogs out for the last time tonight, and almost didn't want to come in - except that it's 82 degrees with 72 % humidity at 11 pm, so uh, yeah, I came back in.

I am sooo glad this week is over. Dad is in California - comes back Wednesday - and I am working his evening hours plus going by the house twice a day to take care of the dog. There's been drama at the daycare almost every day...I'm flat worn out. I didn't get out of work at 9 tonight because when I opened the garage to drive out there was a yellow Dodge truck parked in the driveway blocking me. Who parks in front of a garage door to a funeral home? I'll tell you - somebody who only cares that they are late for work and aren't going to drive around looking for a parking space. It was a girl who works as a bartender at the bar & grill behind & to the east of us. She knew better because the owners have told all their employees not to park there. They had to because some other idiots have done it - she isn't alone.

So, I'm ready for bed, except that I now have to hunt up a mouse trap, because I just had a mouse run across my foot. Luckily, I'm still wearing my shoes. As it is, I about dumped my laptop doing the 'eww' dance.
Ok, off to find a mousetrap & then to bed...

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