Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Power of Chocolate

At work, Gary has a closet where he keeps his overcoats, coveralls, boots - stuff like that. On the shelf, up top, is where he keeps other stuff, like allergy medicine, bandaids, candy, granola. Gary has worked for the funeral home for over 20 years, and all that time he has used that closet, he's never had anything happen in there...until now.

I came into work to find him dragging stuff out of the closet and all but cussing. A mouse had gotten into the closet and chewed up M&M's, Bare Naked Granola (the pomegranate one!) pencils, Claritin Gelcaps! There was stuff underneath some magazines that didn't get chewed on, or urinated/defecated on and some of it was being wiped off with Clorox Wipes. Until He got to a Ghiradelli Raspberry & Dark Chocolate bar and sighed...'Man! This hasn't even been opened!" then tossed it in the 'throwing out pile'. Me: "Gary - you're seriously going to throw this away? It hasn't even been touched! It was underneath those magazines and box of tissues inside a grocery bag, and never even came in contact with the mouse!" He told me he wouldn't be able to eat it because he would be thinking about mouse poop...seemed like a waste of fabulous dark chocolate to me! He asked me if I wanted it...

This is chocolate that is wrapped in foil, and enclosed in a box. It was completely protected by being between magazines underneath a box of tissues and a book and a few other things, and was inside a bag. The mouse never even touched the outside container...

Did I eat it? Don't be silly! Of course I did - it was perfect. :)

By the way, my mouse still hasn't been caught...

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