Friday, September 4, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

It has rained almost non-stop since last night! Ugh! Today it was so dark that we had the outside halo lights on all day long.

Last September I switched our cell service to Alltel. The phone I picked out was a Razr - the blue one - v3a is the model. For about 8 months no problems - then it starts to systematically crash. First it was I couldn't get any service when it was raining, and it progressed to shutting itself off randomly. To make a really long story short, I've been through 4 replacements and I found out yesterday that I could go to the retail store and get a completely different phone, comparable in full retail price to my Razr. The catch? I had to get there before 7 pm - closing time - because yesterday was my 1 year mark and after that, I would be stuck with a lemon. The nearest retail store is 30 minutes away in Missouri. Our local store is only an authorized agent - they can't do equipment exchanges.

So, we had a mad dash to the store - Bobby was not happy! He had supper started and it had to sit until we got back home. The spaghetti was a little mushy, lol, but the sauce was great :)
I wanted the Ve20, but that would have been an extra $40, that I didn't have (which they neglected to tell me on the phone before I got there) so I got the Moto Ve465. It's not bad - kinda manly-looking, lol, but oh well. I transferred all my ringtones over and found out that I still couldn't use them as ringers *sigh* So, I looked up ways to hack it and tried it, but wasn't working & it was getting late (it's why no blog post, hehehe) so I gave up. Today, I did some more searching and found out something new. And it worked! All I had to do was send the tone from the sounds file to myself in a text message and when I saved it, it went into my ringers file. Yay! No hacking involved!! Now I can have my Kim Possible Beeper ring tone back ;)

1 comment:

  1. I hated my Razor..I also had a V3...well it busted...the entire family actually had one after we went through 6 of them I decided forget this! You can send the rain this way!!!! I will gladly take it.
