Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Boy, short week! Tomorrow is Thursday already! I like a short week, hehe :)

Tonight was Kidz LIFE at church. I help with computer-related things: attendance, registration, database. Tonight I made name badges! It's a good program and it gives kids a good foundation to build a relationship with God. They are taught about love for others, helping people, obeying God's laws - the same kinds of things as in Sunday School, I guess, but they are also learning the practical aspects of it. They have different projects that minister to others which they do through the course of the year. And, they do fun things like camp outs and pool parties and movie nights, too. Boys and girls are separated and have their own classes and programs. This year has seen a change in the format, and it seems to be working out better as far as organization and less bouncy-ness in the kids, lol.

Got a big day of paperwork tomorrow at work, so I better check on my Farm Town crops and then turn in, hehe. Also, I really don't have much else to report, lol.

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