So do you have that song stuck in your head now? I do. But it's not as bad as that stupid Narwahls song - ack! Vintage Bowie is definitely preferable.
Back on topic - more changes: I bought a FitBit Flex from Amazon, along with a Bentgo lunchbox, and some of those silicone muffin/cupcake baking cups - for dividing up food within my bento lunch (I don't like my food all jumbling up together - touching is okay, but getting all mixed in with each other, not so much). The Fitbit is for tracking my activity and exercise as well as food and sleep if I want. The Bentgo lunchbox is for bringing a healthy lunch, portion control, and it appeals to my inner-OCD self. I can organize my food and no one can say anything about it because that's what a bento box is for. I also bought a treadmill a while back. And, I'm seriously considering doing the Whole30 program too. Weight loss is of course a byproduct of the program, but it's more about food and eliminating the junk that we eat on a regular basis. It's restrictive, yes, but not as bad as some of the "diets" out there. It's just time to change things up; do things differently, hence the recent purchases. Plus, getting new stuff is fun, amiright?
Back on topic - more changes: I bought a FitBit Flex from Amazon, along with a Bentgo lunchbox, and some of those silicone muffin/cupcake baking cups - for dividing up food within my bento lunch (I don't like my food all jumbling up together - touching is okay, but getting all mixed in with each other, not so much). The Fitbit is for tracking my activity and exercise as well as food and sleep if I want. The Bentgo lunchbox is for bringing a healthy lunch, portion control, and it appeals to my inner-OCD self. I can organize my food and no one can say anything about it because that's what a bento box is for. I also bought a treadmill a while back. And, I'm seriously considering doing the Whole30 program too. Weight loss is of course a byproduct of the program, but it's more about food and eliminating the junk that we eat on a regular basis. It's restrictive, yes, but not as bad as some of the "diets" out there. It's just time to change things up; do things differently, hence the recent purchases. Plus, getting new stuff is fun, amiright?
The Fitbit Flex is an interesting little gadget. Of course I am always entranced by gadgets so it makes sense that I would end up with one of these, or something similar. The Flex won out over other such devices by ratings, cost, and the fact that I knew people who had them and could verify their performance and usefulness. The Samsung gear version would have been nice but it was way too much money. This thing has five wee little LED lights on it and I haven't quite figured them all out yet. I tried to do the sleep thing last night, and apparently it worked, but I didn't get it switched to "awake" properly because it showed me as "in bed" until 9:00 am when I got up at 6:00. But it also showed me as super restless those three hours, lol. It has a silent alarm feature where it vibrates on your wrist to wake you up, or, get your attention, depending on when and what you've set the alarm for. This will make it easier for me to track my walking both at work and on the treadmill, because I won't have to carry my cell phone (my Sammy came with a Health app that tracks steps) or wear something with pockets in order to count steps, etc. A friend told me to put it on my shoe while I'm on my treadmill because it won't track very well if I'm holding onto the handles - good to know!
I was so excited! I washed my Bentgo up and got my lunch stuff all set up then put on some eggs to boil to add to my veggies, etc., and went into the family room to watch a movie with Hubby.... and fell asleep. I woke up when T came into the room and wanted to know why the stove was on, and why there were eggs in the pan, but no water. Shoot! Apparently nobody heard the timer go off, which means Hubby was probably over there sleeping too! I cooled the eggs down and put them in the fridge, thinking I would check them out in the morning. But this morning I had to just grab everything and go because I forgot the guys were leaving early for a funeral at a church, so no time. I still didn't know if that egg was okay. The funny thing is that none of them cracked. I usually wind up with at least a few fissures, but these babies look perfect! And actually they are, or at least one of them is, because at lunch I peeled the one I brought and although the inside of the shell was a little discolored, the egg itself was fine - not even rubbery or anything!
Update on the boys' room situation: S is discovering that change is not so bad after all. He isn't fully moved into his new room: one corner still has some things I need to get out of there, but no idea or place for where they should go just yet. For now, he is sleeping on two stacked mattresses with a nightlight and an outlet handy for plugging in his Kindle and finding that he quite likes it. since he slept on the top bunk, it plugging in his kindle wasn't easy, plus he had to share the nearest outlet with T. As for T, he is very happy to have a nice big bed, all to himself. Proof of that is visible every morning when I wake him up for school - he is smack in the middle of the bed at an angle and all sprawled out. Of course all of my boys sleep like train wrecks, so sharing a bed would be less than restful. As for me, it is quite lovely to not hear the constant fights over "crossing the neutral zone" or "stop breathing on me" etc.
I'll post pics soon, but so far I've been in a rush to get everything together in the mornings so no time for photo shoots! I really need to manage my time better and do it the night before so I'm not rushing around frantically in the morning. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll still be rushing around in the morning cuz it's how I roll...So no pics of my nicely organized food yet, but I'll post this pretty flower photo from a recent funeral arrangement. And one (or more) of my four readers just went "Eew!"... Why? - they're just flowers.
Update on the boys' room situation: S is discovering that change is not so bad after all. He isn't fully moved into his new room: one corner still has some things I need to get out of there, but no idea or place for where they should go just yet. For now, he is sleeping on two stacked mattresses with a nightlight and an outlet handy for plugging in his Kindle and finding that he quite likes it. since he slept on the top bunk, it plugging in his kindle wasn't easy, plus he had to share the nearest outlet with T. As for T, he is very happy to have a nice big bed, all to himself. Proof of that is visible every morning when I wake him up for school - he is smack in the middle of the bed at an angle and all sprawled out. Of course all of my boys sleep like train wrecks, so sharing a bed would be less than restful. As for me, it is quite lovely to not hear the constant fights over "crossing the neutral zone" or "stop breathing on me" etc.

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