Had a nice day Saturday in Joplin: went by Hideout Harley Davidson to say Hi and look around. Got some gloves while I was there, which will look a whole lot nicer with my riding coat than my electric blue fleece gloves that I currently have. They are the only ones I have left since every black pair of gloves I've had have been (mis) appropriated by my boys. Typically they would cut the fingers off to use as army sniper gloves...Whatever, I finally learned to buy girly gloves so they would leave them alone. These new ones are black, but they have the HD logo in pink - matches my helmet :) - and they are a whole lot more expensive than previous pairs, so a certain 10 year old better leave them alone. Went to Hobby Lobby - they were having an awesome sale! 50% off wall frames and iron decor! So I bought a really nice frame for my degree and some others for some other certificates I received, etc., and got a couple of metal decor pieces ;) I can easily get lost for hours in Hobby Lobby, but my boys (and I include Hubby in there) won't let me. The lovely day was briefly marred, just a bit by some disturbing, but all too common behavior.
There are some weird things about people that I just don't get. You know, like when you go to a movie and you're the first one there - nobody else and all seats are open. You sit at the end of a row because you get semi claustrophobic and don't like to be blocked in for bathroom or vending trips, or, oh say, in case of fire...anyhoo, someone else comes in and sits right next to you. There is a whole theater available and they could sit at the end of any row, but they choose to sit right next to you, albeit one seat in between, but still! Or, as happened Saturday in the restroom at Sears, there are twelve stalls open - not two - with just me in one, and someone comes in and sits down in the stall right next to me and poos. OMGosh, REALLY? Wow...just - wow! Why?? It must be some psychological thing, but I really just don't know. Is it for moral support? Is it a compulsion disorder like OCD? What is it about these people and who are they? Everyone I have mentioned this phenomena to feels the same way I do, so unless they are all lying, I don't know anyone who does this. Whatever is going on with them, it's seriously disturbing to the rest of us. I liken it to a breach in personal space like when people stand too close. Or a breach in protocol. What is the etiquette or protocol for public restrooms? If you see one occupied stall in a public restroom of more than two, you choose the one farthest away or at least put one stall's distance between. Everybody SHOULD know this. Clearly some do not. Maybe an experiment is in order. The next time it happens, and it won't be all that far in the future - it happens fairly regularly - I will talk to them. Maybe I'll ask them why they chose a stall next to someone when there are so many other options. Or, I could pester them for toilet paper. Over and over. Or maybe just flat out tell them how unwelcome their proximity is. They have violated public restroom etiquette as well as common courtesies; what should the penalty be? I'm thinking something along the lines of one of those prankster Japanese games shows: a hole opens in the floor and the offender and toilet drop onto a ski slope...Just a thought.
On a much brighter note, I hit well over 10,000 steps Saturday and all in all walked a little over 5 miles, according to my Fitbit :) Yay me! And, the weather has been so nice the last few days, even though the Weather Service has put us in a Fire Weather Advisory and the county is burning up so that everything smells like smoke. Hubby and I went for a ride on the bike Sunday evening after church. A little smokey, but still nice!
There are some weird things about people that I just don't get. You know, like when you go to a movie and you're the first one there - nobody else and all seats are open. You sit at the end of a row because you get semi claustrophobic and don't like to be blocked in for bathroom or vending trips, or, oh say, in case of fire...anyhoo, someone else comes in and sits right next to you. There is a whole theater available and they could sit at the end of any row, but they choose to sit right next to you, albeit one seat in between, but still! Or, as happened Saturday in the restroom at Sears, there are twelve stalls open - not two - with just me in one, and someone comes in and sits down in the stall right next to me and poos. OMGosh, REALLY? Wow...just - wow! Why?? It must be some psychological thing, but I really just don't know. Is it for moral support? Is it a compulsion disorder like OCD? What is it about these people and who are they? Everyone I have mentioned this phenomena to feels the same way I do, so unless they are all lying, I don't know anyone who does this. Whatever is going on with them, it's seriously disturbing to the rest of us. I liken it to a breach in personal space like when people stand too close. Or a breach in protocol. What is the etiquette or protocol for public restrooms? If you see one occupied stall in a public restroom of more than two, you choose the one farthest away or at least put one stall's distance between. Everybody SHOULD know this. Clearly some do not. Maybe an experiment is in order. The next time it happens, and it won't be all that far in the future - it happens fairly regularly - I will talk to them. Maybe I'll ask them why they chose a stall next to someone when there are so many other options. Or, I could pester them for toilet paper. Over and over. Or maybe just flat out tell them how unwelcome their proximity is. They have violated public restroom etiquette as well as common courtesies; what should the penalty be? I'm thinking something along the lines of one of those prankster Japanese games shows: a hole opens in the floor and the offender and toilet drop onto a ski slope...Just a thought.

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