Lot's of change happening at home, and some of it has put me in a thoughtful mood, to put it mildly. And it's all because we bought a new bed, according to my youngest. He is unhappy about the changes coming. He is resistant, but I tell him "Resistance is Futile" and of course he has no clue what I'm talking about.
About the bed...It's been a few weeks now with our Sleep Number bed and I'll be honest, here, it takes a while to figure out what works. We came from a Tempurpedic wannabe: memory foam mattress that was about 10 years old and absolutely did not make it to its 20 year warranty. It was 'memory foam' alright - you could tell exactly where hubby and I sleep because it was a permanent memory in the foam.
So, in the beginning with this new bed, almost every setting turned out to be too firm for us, but we are getting closer to our just-right individual settings. We are really glad we got the Flex II base that allows us to adjust the head and foot of the bed. That has helped a lot. I don't wake up stiff and sore anymore - yay! I did a little research and a lot of people feel like the Sleep IQ system (totally optional) is a waste of money, but I'm finding it very useful. It allows me to see how restless I am at night, how restless hubby is and how our restlessness may be affecting the other. It records heart rate and breathing rate too. Now, it doesn't seem to record every shift in movement, so I think the breathing and heart rate changes are what it looks for in determining restlessness. If I look at a normal night I can tell that my restless markers are right when I got in bed and when hubby gets home and when the alarm goes off. Those are times when I'm awake, or at least semi-awake. It also records when you get out of bed and for how long. Of course you can turn it off whenever you want, and it doesn't record anything.
We also got pillows: my pillow has a curved edge because I'm a side-sleeper, and I love it. I wake up with fewer neck and head aches now than with my down pillow. Hubby got one of those fancy cooling pillows - don't ask me how it works but it is designed to adjust to your body temperature and stay cool. He loves it. I need to buy a wrap-around type of bed skirt, though because the mattress is actually attached to the Flex Base (it has to be or your base would move and your mattress would slide off!) and a typical bed skirt that lays between a standard mattress or bed base and the mattress won't work. That means a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond - oh darn! :) We are also going to order taller bed legs, because the ones that came with the bed are too short for us. It puts our bed closer to the floor than we tall people like. The first time I got out of that bed was hilarious because I practically catapulted myself out of it. Our other bed was quite tall, and although this one is not exactly a futon, the difference in height was enough to really disorient me. Yeah, I know - not all that difficult a task.....
Along with big changes in our room come big changes for the boys. The boys have been sharing a room since S was 2. T is 14 (15 this summer) and wants his own room, but S is resistant to this idea. For him, T has always been the trail-blazer, so all he has do to is follow along because big brother has already figured stuff out. And they've always shared a room in his mind, and even though he complains about him, he wants him in there with him. And one thing he doesn't like is to go to bed by himself. If he has his own room, he will be forced to go to bed by himself. T wants his own room, and he also wants our old bed (go figure) so we've decided to let him have it, which means that S will move into my computer/art/craft/catch-all room. Which also means I have to find places for all of that stuff, and in order for me to find places, it means other places have to be cleaned out. I cleared out some junk
in the hall closet to make room for my hair dryer, etc., and my
crafty-type stuff (beads, soldering iron, etc.) will go to the garage
for now. I made room in the linen closet by emptying the floor and the next shelf up for my art stuff. Those things absolutely can't go out in the garage. My computer desk and a goodly amount of related paraphernalia is going into the living room, but I don't know what to do with a whole lot of other stuff. All in all, lots of work for me and some hard decisions to make as far as getting rid of some things because we just flat don't have room for it all. This distresses me just a little. Okay, a lot.

Something to cheer up an otherwise drab day. I drew this on my tablet with a stylus (not a good one) and an app called SketchBook MobileX. It's a free app and has some nice options for brushes, pen and pencil tips, etc., and even the ability for a couple of layers and opacity settings. It was a fun doodle and I kind of like how it turned out.
To bring this thing home, change is inevitable in life. There are good changes and bad changes, and sometimes changes are just...different: neither good nor bad. But it happens, so we need to learn to roll with it. If I can get my kids to be more receptive to change now, they may be less curmudgeonly when they get to be old men. They may also live a fuller, happier life, which is also important ;)
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