I have proof that Karma doesn't work. Last Saturday after seeing soon-to-be--year-old off on a Missions trip with church, I went to WalMart to get coffee (Donut Shop) and creamer (Natural Bliss-Sweet Cream) and something for breakfast. As I walk into the store, I take my sunglasses off and put my eyeglasses on. As soon as I walk in, I see a shopping cart sitting there, empty except for a little old lady purse (you know what they look like, lol) and nobody around. Since WalMart did away with greeters, there was nobody around to help, so I grabbed the cart by the back end and pulled it to the Customer Service desk and told them where I found it, etc. So, then I go about my shopping, and as I am walking away from the checkout, I take off my glass, slip them into a pocket of my purse, and slip on my sunglasses, pushing them on top of my head. When I get to the foyer, I put my purse on my shoulder and grab my bags and proceed to walk to my truck. After a pleasant drive back home, 3 minutes later, I pull into the drive and turn off the truck. I immediately take off the sunglasses and put them in the little cubby-hole and reach into my purse to get my glasses. They aren't there. I turn out my purse - nothing. I climb around and under everything in the truck looking - nothing. I go back to WalMart because by now I'm pretty sure that when I put my purse on my shoulder and reached over to grab my bags, they must have fallen out. I try to park close to the same place, and I scan the parking lot on my way in. I then scour the foyer area. I check with customer service and nothing there either. Somebody had picked up my glasses and instead of turning them in, either kept them or threw them away. See? If Karma was a real thing, someone would have returned my glasses instead of keeping them so that they can put their own lenses in them...grrr.
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