I'm jumping on my soapbox over yet another good television show not being given a chance. My family watches Bones, and when we saw the episode introducing Walter Sherman as The Finder we loved it and couldn't wait until the new show came on. It's a great show and my boys absolutely love Walter, played by Geoff Stults and also starring Michael Clark Duncan. Fabulous show; warm, funny, quirky...they've cancelled it! Of course they sabotaged it first by having a 3 or 4 week break in the middle of its season and then moving it to Friday night when it came back on and then they put it on just before Fringe. See what I mean? It's like they want it to fail!
Of course there is a petition and a campaign on Twitter and Facebook to get it back and you can find all of that info here: http://www.savethefinder.org/
My idea is if Fox doesn't want it, then sell it to another network who does. At the very least they could put it on during the summer when there is nothing but garbage on anyway. Not all of us vacation all summer long - there are plenty of people who will be home watching re-runs or DVD's because there isn't anything good on.
I want to see viewers win for a change! I'm tired of networks taking off good shows the family can watch and replacing them with absolute garbage. I'm fighting back. I've signed the petition and I post and retweet #savethefinder and #TheFinder and others as much as I can. There's also a blog, http://keepthefinder.wordpress.com/ If you haven't seen it they are still showing the re-runs Sundays at 10pm Central. Watch it. Love it. Save it!
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