I have proof that Karma doesn't work. Last Saturday after seeing soon-to-be--year-old off on a Missions trip with church, I went to WalMart to get coffee (Donut Shop) and creamer (Natural Bliss-Sweet Cream) and something for breakfast. As I walk into the store, I take my sunglasses off and put my eyeglasses on. As soon as I walk in, I see a shopping cart sitting there, empty except for a little old lady purse (you know what they look like, lol) and nobody around. Since WalMart did away with greeters, there was nobody around to help, so I grabbed the cart by the back end and pulled it to the Customer Service desk and told them where I found it, etc. So, then I go about my shopping, and as I am walking away from the checkout, I take off my glass, slip them into a pocket of my purse, and slip on my sunglasses, pushing them on top of my head. When I get to the foyer, I put my purse on my shoulder and grab my bags and proceed to walk to my truck. After a pleasant drive back home, 3 minutes later, I pull into the drive and turn off the truck. I immediately take off the sunglasses and put them in the little cubby-hole and reach into my purse to get my glasses. They aren't there. I turn out my purse - nothing. I climb around and under everything in the truck looking - nothing. I go back to WalMart because by now I'm pretty sure that when I put my purse on my shoulder and reached over to grab my bags, they must have fallen out. I try to park close to the same place, and I scan the parking lot on my way in. I then scour the foyer area. I check with customer service and nothing there either. Somebody had picked up my glasses and instead of turning them in, either kept them or threw them away. See? If Karma was a real thing, someone would have returned my glasses instead of keeping them so that they can put their own lenses in them...grrr.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Saving The Finder
I'm jumping on my soapbox over yet another good television show not being given a chance. My family watches Bones, and when we saw the episode introducing Walter Sherman as The Finder we loved it and couldn't wait until the new show came on. It's a great show and my boys absolutely love Walter, played by Geoff Stults and also starring Michael Clark Duncan. Fabulous show; warm, funny, quirky...they've cancelled it! Of course they sabotaged it first by having a 3 or 4 week break in the middle of its season and then moving it to Friday night when it came back on and then they put it on just before Fringe. See what I mean? It's like they want it to fail!
Of course there is a petition and a campaign on Twitter and Facebook to get it back and you can find all of that info here: http://www.savethefinder.org/
My idea is if Fox doesn't want it, then sell it to another network who does. At the very least they could put it on during the summer when there is nothing but garbage on anyway. Not all of us vacation all summer long - there are plenty of people who will be home watching re-runs or DVD's because there isn't anything good on.
I want to see viewers win for a change! I'm tired of networks taking off good shows the family can watch and replacing them with absolute garbage. I'm fighting back. I've signed the petition and I post and retweet #savethefinder and #TheFinder and others as much as I can. There's also a blog, http://keepthefinder.wordpress.com/ If you haven't seen it they are still showing the re-runs Sundays at 10pm Central. Watch it. Love it. Save it!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Summer Kick-off
Even though it isn't officially Summer yet, Good Ol' Days is Fort Scott's Summer opener, as I've blogged about before. You wouldn't know it isn't Summer yet, it has all the earmarks: it's always hotter than blazes, all the usual bugs are out (and I don't mean just the winged or multi-leg variety), and folks lose all sense when it comes to attire. 400 lb specimen wearing lime green spandex shorts, yellow tank top with arm holes so big why bother, black bra plainly visible, and zebra pattern flip-flops with rhinestones on the straps - yup. It's Summer, alright!
I made a decision that I was not going this year, even though Dock Dogs was coming back (I love watching those dogs jump into the water!). My husband had to work this year and I just did not feel like walking around in the heat with all of those sweaty bodies while my boys dragged me around looking for slingshots and marshmallow shooters that they aren't going to get no matter how much they beg....and beg...and...yeah, you get it.
I've been seeing just a few lightning bugs for a couple of weeks now, and this last week I heard the first locusts of the season. We had some really hot weather in the early weeks of May and if that is any indication, we will have an atomic summer! We had a pretty mild winter with only one snowfall of a little over 2 inches which immediately melted off by later the same day. That means the bugs will be bad :( Heck they are already bad! The fleas are terrible and the usual stuff from the vet isn't working past the first couple of days.
Wow, I didn't realize it's been a month since I updated! I finished up with a class on writing for multimedia which was intensive and I had to create a mock-up of a mobile application and then went into College Math 1 (Algebra), which is where I'm at now. It's going a lot better than my Elementary Algebra class went. That instructor was horrible! I've got a much better instructor this time, but it's still a struggle and having a bad teacher set me back a bit. My next class is Screen Design - don't know anything about it, but it sounds interesting! In my Typography class I got to do a movie title sequence storyboard which was really cool. We had to pick a movie from the 1970's we hadn't seen and design a title sequence. We had to indicate movement or atmosphere, etc., using only typography and whatever Photoshop effects we were capable of creating. It was a real challenge, but it was really fun, and of course everything we create goes into our portfolio, so it needs to look good. I picked House of Dark Shadows, which I had never seen. The only Dark Shadows I remember seeing was the TV series remake with Ben Cross & Joanna Going - 80's or maybe early 90's - but this was with the original soap opera cast. It came out pretty good and I got full points for it, so it will make a nice addition to my portfolio. Totally funny too that about a month later the word came out that Johnny Depp was starring in a remake of the movie. I want to see it, of course being a huge Johnny Depp fan, but I usually wait until they come out on DVD. Movies are so expensive anymore that unless it is something truly special, we wait.

I'm still having fun with Instagram; I find myself seeing everything from the viewpoint of "that would make a great photo!" and since I always have my phone with me, I can usually get that great pic. So, with that in mind, I will leave you with a shot of my lunch :) By the way if you're ever in Fort Scott, you should definitely stop by the Nu Grille to eat!

I'm still having fun with Instagram; I find myself seeing everything from the viewpoint of "that would make a great photo!" and since I always have my phone with me, I can usually get that great pic. So, with that in mind, I will leave you with a shot of my lunch :) By the way if you're ever in Fort Scott, you should definitely stop by the Nu Grille to eat!
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