Friday, August 14, 2009

Open House

Wow - busy day! Open House for Tucker & Sully's school was last night and we got to see the classrooms and meet the teachers. Tucker's teacher is young and pretty, and cool! She has a hermit crab in her class and likes lizards, so she is extremely cool in Tucker's book, hee hee!

Sully's teacher is the same one that Tucker had for kindergarten - I actually called the school and requested her for Sully. The biggest reason is that at Kindergarten Round-up, she was the only one there that Sully responded to. Each table had a different kindergarten teacher and would go over different 'skills' and info. Nobody else could get him to do anything, lol, but he did everything for her, so she took him around to all the tables and did all the activites with him. He really liked her and since he's a shy kid and glued to Tucker, it was important to me that he had someone he felt a connection with. The other reason is that about a week later, this past May, when our street flooded, Mrs. H's car got stuck in the middle of our street and died on her. She came in our house and waited until the water was down enough and Bobby could drive her home. Sully talked her ear off and I think he showed her every toy and game the boys own, lol. So, he feels like he knows her pretty well, now, lmbo.

It's really hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that Sully is starting kindergarten and Tucker is in 4th grade. It just doesn't seem like they should be this old. Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? When you're a kid and you're told to wait just a week, it feels like forever! It seemed like it took for stinking ever for all the major highlights of the year to roll around; birthday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, summer break, 4th of July. You LIVED for all those lesser holidays and presidents birthdays - 2 in February! That was back in the day, huh? Now we have Presidents Day and they don't even get it off! Life was a series of goals that made you feel the urgency of growing up, and doing it fast! Then you hit 25 and think "OMGosh! I'm halfway to 50 and I have nothing to look forward to but gray hair, weight gain and stretch marks! What happened??" Oh, and that bonus of varicose veins if that is in your genes! My mom always told me not to grow up so fast, and I didn't understand what she meant at the time. I do now, and I'm thankful I had the chance to tell my mom she was right.

One good thing, I'll be saving gas and time because I won't have to drive half way across town twice a day, five days a week. I'll most likely get to work on time every day (some of you who know me in real life are snickering right now - you know who you are!) and I'll probably have time for breakfast, too. In fact, I bet I could get my haircut now and have plenty of time to mess with it. I have been putting that off because right now I just dry my bangs and twist the rest of it up into a clip and it take like 5 minutes. The bad thing about this is that my hair is so long and heavy that it's getting hard to fit it all in the clip and it's giving me headaches, lol. Also, when I take it down at night, it's still wet. Ok, that's it. I've decided - I'm getting my hair cut, lol.

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