The locusts we have here in Kansas aren't actually locusts,
but cicadas. And they are loud!
Here is a picture I found on the web of one coming out of it's shell. They leave these shells behind and they can be found on trees, in the dirt at the bottom of trees or in yards and gardens - everywhere, really.
And kids like to pick them up and scare you with them - fun.

And here is another picture of what they look like after they emerge from their shell. It's locust time here - they are out & making lots of noise. I like to hear them, actually. If I searched, I might be able to find a sound file of them.
The sounds all blend together - locusts, crickets, frogs - and if it wasn't so stinking hot that you had to run the AC, I would love to leave the windows open at night to listen while sleeping. But, you can kind of hear it all even with the windows closed and the AC going, so that tells you it's pretty loud, lol.
One time about 10 years ago, I guess, because we didn't have Tucker yet, we were out walking and I apparently kicked a locust. It landed directly underneath me and did it's warning rattle/buzz sound and I jumped and danced like I had something alive in my shorts, lmbo. My husband still teases me about that! He laughed so hard I thought he was gonna have a stoke.
Well, it was pretty funny :)
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