Friday, October 9, 2009

Mental Images

Miss me??  I have been sick - yet again.  According to the doctor, it's one unending, simmering-under-the-surface sinus infection.  You think you're over it because you feel better, but you really never got over it and you never really felt good - just better than horribly sick.  He gave me some meds and I am now feeling better - an antibiotic and a cortisone pill pack taken over 6 days.  The worst part has been the fatigue - yikes!  The two days I stayed home from work I couldn't do anything, and every day when I got home from work, all I could do was pass out on the couch.  My poor little mother hen Tucker kept checking my forehead & asking me if I was ok, lol.

Not too much has happened this last week or least that I am aware of, hee hee.  Actually, Wednesday was a horrible day all the way around, not only was I sick, but after a long night of no sleep & coughing, and getting up with dogs and sleep walking children, I got up about 4:30 am to discover I had an early 'monthly visitor' and not a thing in the house to do about it.  I usually have some stashed in purses - but nothing!  I had to double up panti liners and hope for the best until I could get to WalMart.

Wal Mart is a different experience here - and I'm sure it's the same for all small towns where everybody knows everybody.  There's no such thing as anonymity.  You have to be prepared to see at least 10 people you know at any given moment at WalMart or the grocery store. They look in your cart & have instant access into your life.

For those of you who live in larger cities and urban areas, picture this:  It's a beautiful Saturday and you can't wait to get out in your yard and do whatever it is you like to do out there; garden, landscape - whatever.  But, before you can, you have to go run to WalMart & grab a few things. You want to get in, get it done, get out so you can get on with your glorious Saturday.  You've been in the store 10 minutes and have already run into 4 people you know - precious time spent there not being rude and talking about the weather to each one.  You're ready to check out - have everything you came for and there's only two cashiers working.  So you pick the fastest line and realize that the person in front of you is your neighbor across the street, the cashier is the teen driver your husband arrested last month for dui, and the guy that just got in line behind you is your go-to guy at the bank.  Now, they know what specific brand and size of pads/tampons you use, and that your hair color is not natural.  And you now know that your neighbor has a severe case of diarrhea judging by the Immodium, Depends, and family size toilet paper package in their cart, and that your banker dude likes Rob Schneider movies and prefers skimpy animal print undies.  That's a mental image that will haunt you for years to come - and it will haunt you!  You'll be seeing him at the bank, ball games, church... it's unavoidable...

Now you I'm in line checking out with my little package and the gal at the register looks at my item and says "Caught by surprise, huh?  You should have planned ahead."  Oh really...

1 comment:

  1. Don't tell me that! I was shocked by the monthly visitor early also and had to run out too... oh my gosh! I have missed you terribly. I was wondering what to do without my sis! well I am on yahoo and you did try to message me once. I hope you are feeling better. Hugs
