Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Word of the Day

The word for today is:

To throw (a person or thing) out of a window.

Isn't it funny that there is a specific term for throwing one out of a window?  The word is Latin in its origins and was first recorded in 1618 or so in Prague where a couple of imperial governors and their secretary were thrown out of the window of the castle. All true, I swear - look it up. If you go to Wikipedia it states that generally, the window is not open when this occurs. Interesting, yes?

The first time I heard of the word was in a book by David Eddings. Two knights of different orders are having a discussion about a certain personage of questionable character and he explains to Sparhawk that the man in question was defenestrated. A humorous conversation about the word defenestrate ensues. Naturally I had to look it up to see if that was true.

The word is on my mind because I am about to go to battle and it always makes me think of Sparhawk, my favorite warrior character. I find myself asking what would Sparhawk do? Well, he would make a stab at diplomacy, and if it didn't work, he would lop off the offenders head and then have Sir Bevier pray for the idiot's soul. Okay, so I can't do that, but sometimes, it's satisfying to think about. Be honest - if money was not part of the equation, wouldn't it be satisfying to just chuck your computer out the window when you have "network connectivity" issues (the bane of my existence)? Or take a broad sword to the defective recliner the furniture store refuses to make good on (another story for another day)? What can I say? I read a lot of Louis L'Amour (westerns), David Eddings, Robert Jordan and similar authors as a young adult and they influenced my critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

I recently got over the flu and am still recovering, so I have zero tolerance for school teacher shenanigans right now. You know, there's always one. They say and do things then lie about it because they figure that with every child there's always a wee bit of doubt that floats through a responsible parent's mind and those type of people/teachers exploit it. I know my kids aren't perfect, but I also know when they are spinning a yarn. They seem to inherently know that the secret to a good lie is simplicity, so when they tell a lie it is pretty simple with not a lot of detail; details upon request. When my child relates a conversation including specific adult-style vocabulary, it's an indication that he's telling the truth. My kids all have a gift for words and have a wide vocabulary, they just don't typically use them in conversation unless they are trying to confuse or insult the unsuspecting. I don't know where they get this stuff...Anyhoo, all year long I've been hearing tales from my youngest regarding his math teacher. She has sent him to ISS (in school suspension) numerous times and has threatened it many more. She has told him he is getting an F in math several times as well, but all evidence points to the contrary, as he has been holding a solid A-B average. Recently he got sent to ISS for getting help on a math worksheet from another student, and was told he needs to "shut his mouth because he's annoying" and "Ms. C has noticed it too" meaning his home room teacher. Then he told me that made him sad because he thought Ms. C liked him. Now he may have misunderstood some parts of this, but he definitely didn't make it up. So, after hearing this kind of crap all school year, Hubby and I came unglued. Now, we usually tag-team these things. I'm more diplomatic, so I make the initial contact. Depending on the outcome, we send Hubby in next because he is especially intimidating, then proceed to an all-parties come-to-Jesus meeting where we can pool our talents for maximum effect. So I made the call today to the principal of Sully's school and about 20 minutes after we talked, the teacher in question called me. Long story short, I know Sully was telling the truth because even though she tried to put a more positive spin on things, she inadvertently revealed more than she knew and wound up validating Sully. The situation is under control for the time being, and she is aware that I am keeping an eye on things. We won't have to send in the big guns for this one after all. But I'm keeping him on standby just in case :) I will however be throwing Math Teacher under the bus tonight at parent-teacher conferences by letting Ms. C in on the whole "Ms. C-thinks-you-are-annoying-too" thing. Petty? Ummm...yeah, petty. But at least I am able to recognize my shortcomings for what they are.

I leave you with a photo of Percy looking out the window while I was home sick, recovering from type A influenza - yet again. Yes I got the flu shot, but they issued a warning that it would be less effective this year because they misread which viruses would be trending. Isn't that special? anyway, he was lovely company :)

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