Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Food Epiphany and that River in Egypt

I must be living under a rock (some people might think this town fits that description) but I just today discovered Yummly! OMGosh! It's been around since 2010 - where have I been? It's like Pinterest but just for food. I'm in food heaven, happily "yumming" recipes and adding and organizing them into my collections. When I discovered it, I was thinking "it's about time someone created something like this" and then I was like "wait a minute...", did a quick hop over to the About section, and found out I had been missing the boat for a while. I believe I faintly heard a choir singing one sustained high note...

I have been steadily expanding my family's food horizons, and can claim some small success in that I was able to finally get both my husband and boys to try Spinach Artichoke dip this Thanksgiving - they loved it! Even my dad liked it. My youngest, though still proves to be the ultimate culinary challenge and is unwilling to have his food horizons broadened. He is the pickiest eater I have ever known, myself included. Then I had a flash of insight: this is what my mother dealt with, only on steroids. I confess - I was a terribly picky eater, but my picky-ness was mostly centered on mom's cooking. There were a lot of the usual things I wouldn't eat (green beans, lima beans, fish, cottage cheese, etc.), which made dining out a trial, but mainly my quirk was less about the food itself and more about who had cooked it, as in was it safe. I know, weird, but the only reason I can come up with was my extreme fear of throwing up. A horrible norovirus, the flu, or some combination of the two went through our house when I was about about 5 years old and it was a traumatic experience for me. Let me put it this way: the last thing I had eaten the night before was half of a Snickers candy bar (that was when they were the size of the king size kind we have now) and I didn't eat another Snickers until I was in my 30's. Then on the heels of that experience I contracted Pneumonia, so I missed a few weeks of kindergarten. From then on, anytime a family member got sick on something or somewhere, (or it was the last thing they ate before getting sick) I crossed it off my list and put it on the "Do Not Eat" list. The list got quite long, if I recall correctly...

Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be *gasp* the big 5 0. I don't feel 50 (most days), I don't really look 50 (except for those extra 20 lbs that came along with Sully) and I'm finding it hard to believe I'm 50 (denial: not just a river in Egypt), even though I've had a whole year to get used to the idea. Hubby asked me if I wanted something special or if I wanted to go to our favorite Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi place. Since it is so close to Christmas, I've opted for a family dinner at a favorite semi-local (and sorta famous) chicken restaurant and a trip to Bath and Body. And maybe a new pair of silver hoop earrings... I know 50 is supposed to be a big deal and there should be a party and all, but really, I'm good with keeping it low-key. Maybe no one will notice and I won't have to explain. Fat chance of that, I know.

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