I guess hubby was feeling festive and in the Christmas spirit or something because he bought cinnamint flavor toothpaste this time. I don't particularly care for cinnamon in my toothpaste, but oh well. I say nothing because as everybody who has been married for any length of time knows, you have to pick your battles. A wise woman will let those little things go for a larger and more significant victory later. I'm banking all of these so-called little 'losses' towards something bigger: I want the kitchen and dining area painted red. Not fire-engine red, of course, but a red that goes with the cypress green walls of the living room since it is all one big open space now with only a half wall separating them. Right now, the kitchen and dining room are a cucumber green because, as my four readers might remember, we tried yellow, but it looked like a Green Bay Packer fan decorated our house. I tried really hard to explain the relationship of green and red on the color wheel, and how it wold really look good, etc., but no dice. So then I showed him the color wheel and told him he had to pick something within a certain range and yellow is what he came up with. Of course it was a very, very pale yellow - in the can. Once it was on the walls, however, it changed. With the lights off it looked like school-bus yellow. With the lights on, it became Corvette yellow.

As I said, I don't really like the flavor of the cinnamint toothpaste, or the brand that it is, really, but I'm making it work. Or I was until the flip cap on the tube shot some of it into my eye -yikes! Every time I flip open the cap it spits, not sure why, but no matter how I do it - still happens. This time it happened to get me in the eye. Now, I'm sure it doesn't make any difference at all what flavor the stuff is, because it is toothpaste after all and designed for the mouth, not the eyes, so it really hurts, but because I already do not like it, now it is truly evil. In fact, in that moment, all the evil in the world was contained right in that 8 oz tube. So, once the screaming and jumping was over, me and my angry red eye let hubby know, very firmly, that we would not be buying any more of that particular variety of toothpaste. Ever.
Christmas is almost here, and my kids are getting antsy. They keep trying to get me to let them open one gift early, but I keep saying no. Really, though, if they are just patient, they won't have to worry about it because the kitten will do it for them. (we are now 95% sure it is a male, so the boys have named him Percy...Percy Jackson, LOL. I still refer to him as Little One, though) For the most part he has left the tree alone, although we didn't decorate it with any of the breakable ornaments - just in case. He gives it a swat once in a while when he walks under it and it touches him, but other than that, it's just there. Or at least that was the case until the presents got under there. Now he is obsessed. He stalks the presents, and leaps at them with his paws up over his head then runs away and does it again, over and over. Sometimes he will lie on the couch and stare them down until he can no longer stand it and is compelled to pounce. Silly kitty :)
We are naturally hoping for some snow for Christmas. Weatherbug says there is a 30% chance of snow for Wednesday, Christmas Eve and then the chances go up to 80% for the beginning of the following week. So my kids are excited to get to mess around in the snow during the break. The last couple of years it hasn't snowed until the day before they start back to school. Which is okay with them if it delays going back, which it has before. My dogs like the snow, in varying degrees. My Bassett only likes it if it doesn't get too deep because her hoohaa is so close to the ground. My cattledog/lab fancies herself a dainty princess I suppose because she tries to shake it off of her feet as she walks and can't wait to get back inside. She's a hothouse violet, that one. Now Toby, the German Shepherd, he loves the snow. But then he is a long-haired variety and the cold doesn't bother him. When it's snowing I can't hardly get him to come in. He romps and rolls and flips it up in the air with his nose - he's a big goof. I am a bit worried about my outside kitties, but I have set out some old blankets for them, and hubby bought a bale of straw for them, so they will probably be okay.
Speaking of the outside kitties, my neighbor (formerly referred to as crazy cat-lady) and I had a little bonding moment this past week. I discovered the big orange male cat behind her house in the alley when I was on my way to work, so I stopped and got out because I didn't like the way he was just lying there - the sun wasn't out and it was too cold to be where he was. He wasn't moving and although I didn't touch him, I was sure he was dead. I felt so bad about it that I called her at the school and told her about it. Turned out that it wasn't technically hers, but one of the strays that she has fed over the years. I confessed to her that I have been feeding the kittens and several others and that hubby rescued one who we keep in the house, and she was so happy I thought she was going to cry. It made me feel bad for calling her crazy-cat lady, especially since now I am one too. She's a bit odd sometimes (who isn't?), but she has a good heart and in those few moments I began to realize that we weren't all that different and I was ashamed. I have always loved animals, and there are times when I would rather spend my time with them than people. I sense she feels much the same way.

So this Christmas, God has illuminated a flaw within me and allowed me to examine and deal with it. Then he blessed me with a deeper understanding of my neighbor and myself. With God, it is always about relationships: our relationship with Him, our relationships with others. In this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus, it is important to remember how much He loves us and that we are to love one another the same way. Merry Christmas!