Yesterday morning on my way to work, I spotted an assortment of undergarments lying in the road at various points - some panties, then about a block after that, something like a tank top, then a little further on, one black sock. maybe someone's laundry basket in the back of a pickup got bounced? I dunno, but then on the way home I saw several of those colorful plastic balls like are in children's ball pits all down the street, like a McDonald's Playland exploded. I'm pretty sure this was due to the storm that blew through right around 4pm and seemed to go on all night long. At one point on the drive home, the truck was getting pelted with hail. I prayed the whole way home: "Lord, please let me get the truck home before it gets any bigger, and please keep my plants safe, mainly my herb garden because they are delicate, and are lucky to be alive anyway." Big thank you when I got home, because it quit hailing and all my plants survived that storm and the really big one that slammed us around 1am. I'd hate for them to survive me and then get taken out by a storm. Kind of like walking away from a plane crash and getting killed by a rabid squirrel three days later. Okay, so that's a little disproportionate, but you get the idea.
On the way to work today, there was a lot of debris in the road from limbs, trashcans and whatnot, but no underwear. At one intersection there were huge chunks of shredded tree scattered everywhere. The lightning was pretty bad last night, so maybe a tree took a direct hit. At any rate, the drive to work has been like an obstacle course over the last two days. And I guess we aren't done: according to the weather forecasts, there is more in store for us - woohoo!
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for days? I do it all the time, and usually it is some commercial jingle. Like that McDonald's one where the guy is driving and drinking coffee and singing "I'm Electrified..."? Ugh - I had that one in my head for-ev-er! Right now I have Pharrel's "Happy" stuck in my head. But it's a good thing - I like that song! It could be much worse - it could be "The Girl From Ipanema"...
...and somebody somewhere just went "whaaat??"
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for days? I do it all the time, and usually it is some commercial jingle. Like that McDonald's one where the guy is driving and drinking coffee and singing "I'm Electrified..."? Ugh - I had that one in my head for-ev-er! Right now I have Pharrel's "Happy" stuck in my head. But it's a good thing - I like that song! It could be much worse - it could be "The Girl From Ipanema"...
...and somebody somewhere just went "whaaat??"
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