I may have mentioned this before, but people in this town really have no idea regarding the etiquette of a four-way stop. On the way to work this morning, I had to detour around some road work that put me in the path of two 4-way stops. At each one there was nearly two accidents because nobody knows what they're doing and they all think it is their turn at the same time. Clearly, everyone missed that question (repeatedly) on the driver's test, but received enough points to still gain a license. Something else about this town: 90% of the elderly women in this town can't see over the steering wheel - they are looking under it in the little space between the bottom side of the wheel and the top of the dashboard. I know this for a fact because my mother-in-law was one of them. Hubby's mother refused to sit on a cushion because she "could see the road just fine, thankyouverymuch!" Hmmm...then why is it that she repeatedly misjudged the distance from the front of the car to the garage door. Was it perhaps because she couldn't actually see the front end of the car?? So what does this have to do with four-way stops? Nothing...
Another something else that has nothing to do with four-way stops is our siding. Apparently the company who made the old nasty yellow siding on our house is still in business making said yellow, nasty siding. Colonial Yellow is what it is called and they are so proud of it: "An industry favorite for over 30 years..." What company doesn't update their products and colors for 30 years?? So even though I have a lot of opinions and comments about that stupid company, none of it matters because the insurance company will not pay for the whole house to be sided because a match is available. They also don't care that with weathering for over 17 years, the colors between the new and the old really won't match. So, because the world is what you make of it and if it doesn't fit, you make alterations, we have decided to paint our nasty, yellow, vile, vinyl siding, having found a good paint from Sherwin Williams especially formulated for it. The hard part is deciding on a color that will match our brownish brick facade that we both like. Of course we could say to heck with it like whoever who chose yellow all those years ago and just pick any color we want. We looked at a dark taupe brown, dark charcoal gray, and a dark teal in the store and brought home paint chips. As soon as we took them outside to look at the colors, the teal turned to a blue-gray (that neither of us liked) instead of teal. So we might have to look at a different shade of teal or just forget it altogether. I don't want this to be the kitchen paint all over again, so I will need prayers for strength and wisdom and for a helping of the power of persuasion over my hubby.
I am at the beginning of week 4 of my Life Drawing class, so I just have two more to go - well technically 1 full week and 3 days of another. Week 6 is always just 3 days long and usually consists of submitting your final project and a critique, etc. It has not turned out as bad as I expected, however I don't think I've done anything I wish to show off. Some of this class has been really difficult and I feel like the expectations for a beginning class are kind of high. The instructor is great and a wonderful artist herself. She is very encouraging even though some of our drawings resemble Sasquatch. I'm not sparing myself from this criticism at all. One of my standing male drawings looked suspiciously like the third guy from the right side on those Evolution charts purporting to show us the progression of "early man". My female had the shoulders of a linebacker and the head of a 12 year old girl until I fixed them. We are supposed to use live models, not photographs, and they must be of adults. And we don't have to draw them nude, however they should be wearing minimal clothing so as to show as much of the form as possible. Right...well, I can tell you right now that I could not get one person who was comfortable modeling and that I would be willing to stare at for hours, so I'm using photographs of stock poses on Deviantart. I have looked at so many boobs and penises (there is no filter for minimal clothing) that I am completely desensitized, and in fact hope to never have to look at either ever again. That information does not bode well for hubby, LOL. But I guess it's not really required that I look at it, and he probably doesn't care about that so much anyway, LOL. By the way, if I use a pose that happens to have a nude model, I am drawing undergarments over them: underwear for both and tank tops or bathing suits for the females. This week we'll be doing sitting poses, which will be better because most of the those tend to cover downstairs areas - yay! Some of my braver fellow students have actually drawn themselves - nude. One of them has drawn herself topless but mercifully spared us the southern view by drawing panties on herself. Have you ever seen cartoon drawings of breasts where they are very round, like circles that just miss meeting all the way at the top? Kind of like they are mashed up with an invisible push up bra. Well, that is how she has drawn hers and then she made a comment that just floored me. She said she had a freakishly long torso (hadn't really noticed that being true) and that she was sure everyone would think she had done her breasts wrong, but that is how they look...??? Really? If true, then I think I would be concerned, however, then again, maybe they will hold up better to gravity than us normal folk.
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It's a Clone ambush! |
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