Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Last weekend was the city-wide yard sale. Yes, this is a real event here in which a large number of people have yard sales on the same day, and, the newspaper devotes a whole page to it. A friend of mine calls yard sales junk swapping only she doesn't use the word junk...but it is an apt observation. It would be interesting to conduct an experiment and track a few items to see how many different households they end up in over a period of time. It happens twice a year; in Spring and again in Fall.Unless I'm desperate for something and unwilling to spend an arm and a leg for it, or I've completely lost my sanity, I don't go out on City-Wide Yard Sale days. It isn't safe. Some of those people will run your butt over and not even blink over it. Seriously. There is always a spike in the number of traffic accidents, and a handful of property damage reports during these things. I like to compare it to the Running of the Bulls  :)
It is a good way to recover your property though. We have found several of our chairs from the funeral home over the years. They have the funeral home's name right there plain as anything. What's the thinking there??
Something even better than the City-wide Yard Sale began on Monday and it is City-wide Clean Up! This is even better than the yard sale because you can get this stuff for free! People just put it out on their curb to be thrown out! Imagine! Perfectly good non-working weed cutters and computer monitors just out there for the taking! Yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic, but it really does happen. It's an opportunity to get rid of anything you want without paying a fee to take it to the dump; the city hauls it off for you. Most of the time, though, the stuff doesn't make it through the night. Or, in our case, it didn't make it 2 hours!

We put an old rusted out charcoal BBQ'er, a couple of old non-working weedeaters, and several other miscellaneous things by our driveway Sunday afternoon around 2:30-ish and everything was gone but the cart by 4 pm. We didn't even see them do it, and it was broad daylight. Usually it's gone during the night or early morning hours, but I guess they didn't want all the good junk to get picked over. 

Honestly, driving by some of these places around this time every year, I'm amazed that certain of these houses with huge piles of accumulated crap outside on the curb had room inside for all of it - twice a year, no less! I can only assume they must be out salvaging others junk piles to replace their junk. Some of these houses are tiny, though, so where are they putting it all? It's a mystery...

Speaking of mysteries, I had an odd thing happen the other day at work. I've heard and seen some bizarre things working here at the funeral home, but this was a first. Someone from out of town and just passing by came in and asked to see some urns. I should point out at this point that this never happens. We aren't a shop in the mall and people don't just randomly walk in to see what all we have. Choosing a funeral home is a personal thing, and families typically stick to the same one. 
This woman tells me her mother had died about two years back and she had never gotten one. While we are looking at them, she tells me that she would really like a glass one so she can see out. The wheels were turning in my mind as I tried to figure out what she meant, and it must have showed on my face because then she went to say that her youngest child is really missing his grandma and wants to be able to take her to see him play soccer. At that point I knew what she was talking about, but was unable to come up with any response other than "Oh..." Then she asked me if it would be okay for her to buy something at Hobby Lobby to put her mom in...Yes, by all means, please do ... I was thinking it, but of course I didn't say it. Thankfully, I didn't say any of what I was thinking out loud...this time.

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