Monday, October 19, 2009

Too Busy To Think

Have you ever had that happen?  You are just too busy to think about what you're doing, so you just operate on auto pilot?  It reminds me of a Sponge Bob episode where he clears everything out of his mind but 'fine dining' and he is the perfect waiter.  Then he gets asked what his name is and he has a melt down, lol.  That's how I'm feeling:  vacuum - check; clean the bathroom - check; laundry - check; supper - check; paperwork, answer the phone, run pc scans, find everything under the sun because nobody knows where anything is at home and at work..."Mom, the dogs got out and are running amok in the neighborhood..."  HUH??  I completely blanked for a full minute...then I went out and chased them down.  I discovered I am in horrible shape - completely winded and gasping for air - what a pretty picture, lol. Of course, I'm still coughing a bit, so running around in 47 degree weather just throws that into overdrive. Lucy (Lab) is to blame for the whole thing - she always wants to run out in the field, and so she made a mad dash for it and Ruby Sue (Basset Hound) followed.  I can normally get Lucy back with very little trouble, but because Ruby Sue was out, they both just turned their ears off and were two dogs behaving very badly.  Every time I would almost have Ruby Sue, Lucy would buzz by her & then she was off again.  Ruby Sue is built pretty low to the ground so she's tough to grab and awkward to haul back home by the collar - you walk like Igor in Young Frankenstein; all hunched over - not fun!  And of course once she is caught she lets out  a big holler like she's being beat *rolls eyes* she won't be, but she sure wants everyone to think so, lol.  And the whole time this is going on, the other two dogs in the back yard are running and jumping and barking their fool heads off because they're missing out on all the fun.  The biggest thing that saved me was that because Ruby Sue has an excellent nose, she was distracted by absolutely everything she got a whiff of and would stop to check it out, lol.

That happened yesterday afternoon - Sunday.  Saturday I got the bathroom all spiffy clean, and cleared off the kitchen table - Bobby's biggest pet peeve, lol - and got the kitchen all cleaned up, plus helped the boys in their room.  I still didn't get my catch-all room - I mean computer room, hee hee, cleaned out, but I'm procrastinating on that, and so far it's coming along nicely, lol. 
Every time somebody comes over unexpectedly and I have to pick up in a hurry, well, it all goes in there.  Some people throw stuff in their oven, or under the bed or in a closet, but the computer room works better for us, lol. I'll probably get it done next Saturday - we'll see...

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